Love your child
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Nowadays, many parents forget how beautiful to educate and teach children well. Indeed not a few parents (young couples of the present) that make the implementation of discipline of the children too hard. This condition should not be done, because mental illness can affect children in the future. Therefore, the conclusions of a survey the other parents about this, and aggressive behavior of children done by Murray Straus, a sociologist from the University of New Hampshire to 991 parents.
According to the survey, the thunder and threatening is the most common form of aggression from the parents. Compared to the more extreme action again, as threaten, curse, and call the rough with the call stupid, lazy and so on, then snap the most done.
Not only the child, the baby was a rave. But usually the young age of parents, the more often they also make a 'disciplinary action' tersebut.Dari the survey, 90% claim to do the forms psychological aggression during the first two years of age children. And 75% of them confess to growl or shout at the children. Quarter of parents cuss or curse their children, and about 6% even threatening to drive the children.
According to Straus, this action brings the long-term psychological effects for the children, even though the law can not called violence against children. But the impact is not directly visible and new discovered usually after they are adults.
Straus added that psychological aggression can make it difficult to adapt a child or even behave poorly, because of various factors. For example, a less confident, or vice versa, to be rebels. But the most feared is when they do the same for their children soon. But if the psychological, kelakukan children that one should be fixed, dont be anger to him
Senada the study, Anna Surti Ariani, child and family psychologist at the University of Indonesia said children are miniature parents. If the parents educate and teach children with a hard, it will impact on the future. "Many parents do not realize how a small child or so sensitive to the pattern of the students they teach. Often considered trivial and persevere with the discipline of a good result. But not so, "said psychologist normal known as Nina.
Nina suggested parents should educate clever-clever and teach children with love and affection. When children have been since early in the dilekatkan things that approach love and affection the child will grow further. He was going rate, anger and emotions that rage against children is not a good way out. "There is a need to be dicipline the children, but not do so. Children grew up not with the emotions, but must be maintained with love and affection, "he said. HADRIANI P
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